Government addresses impact of COVID-19 on Food Security

September 18, 2020

Picture : Participants of the Food security and nutrition Workshop

Addressing and engaging in various ongoing food security and nutrition initiatives during this COVID-19 pandemic is a necessity.

This was addressed by the Chief Economist of the Ministry of Agriculture Sera Bose during the Food Security and Nutrition Implication on COVID 19 workshop recently held at the Tanoa Plaza Hotel in Suva.

The workshop facilitated dialogue on appropriate policy responses from Government and non-Government stakeholders aiming to address the current situation in the medium and long term.

“The combined impact of a global economic slowdown leading to recession, temporary loss of the tourism industry and a huge rise in unemployment has the potential to massively impact food security, nutrition and livelihoods in Fiji.”

“We are here to better understand the implications of COVID-19 on food security and livelihoods and to listen to you about what the real impacts are in your areas of work and life,” she said.

The workshop is in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries, the Fiji Food and Livestock Council (FCLC) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). 

“We will map out the short and long-term impacts of COVID-19 on food security and nutrition from across the food system in Fiji and identify measures we can take to address them,” she said.

In addition, the workshop focuses on supporting the main stakeholders of the Food Security and Nutrition industry to jointly analyze the current context with shared policy responses for the way forward.

“We would like to be informed by those most impacted so decisions that are taken are based on the real experiences of all people directly involved in the food system from farmers to vendors to exporters to food processors,” said the Chief Economist.

The workshop also provided a forum for gaining common understanding the data and statistics available and measure gaps to ensure programs and decisions were evidence-based. 

The activity which is supported by the FAO FIRST Programme, will also be held in the Western Division next week Thursday (24.9.20).
