August 26, 2020
Photo: The Minister for Agriculture Waterways and Environment Hon Dr Mahendra Reddy announces September 1 as the next seed distribution date.
The next round of seeds distribution for home gardens begins next Tuesday, announced the Minister for Agriculture, Waterways and Environment, the Hon. Dr Mahendra Reddy today (26.8.20).
The Minister made the major announcement at the Ministry Head Quarters in Raiwaqa.
“We will be targeting 20,000 home gardeners over the next four-month period or 5,000 home gardens every month.
“This will include seeds for the following crops: tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, long beans, French beans, and okra.
“These will be given out from our strategic Agriculture Offices that are directly involved with urban and peri-urban dwellers throughout Fiji,” the Minister said.
Dr Reddy said those who were interested could walk into any of the Ministry’s offices, provide a valid ID and pick up the seed packages for free.
“We encourage them to expand their home garden and secure their family and household security in respect to food.”
The Minister said the reason the total number of seed packages was less compared to the first time the distribution started was due to households retaining seeds after harvesting from their first crops.
He said Government was now focused on boosting the efforts of the current beneficiaries while encouraging new households, who missed out from the first rounds, to begin or even expand their home gardens.
“As part of the overall food security and agriculture strategy, seed and planting provision to farmers were an integral component to that strategy.
“Planting provision too to home gardeners in the urban areas and farm support program to expand the commercial agriculture program that the Ministry began are also vital aspects of the strategy,” the Minister said.
The Ministry’s offices in the North are located in Cakaudrove, Savusavu, Taveuni, Bua, Naboulwalu, Lutua, Macuata, and Labasa. In the Central Division, the Extension Offices are in Serua, Namosi, Naitasiri, Rewa, Lami, Suva, Tailevu South, Tailevu North, Koronivia Research Station, and the Ministry Head Quarters in Raiwaqa. In the West, the Ministry have offices in the various towns, while in the Eastern Division there are in Lomaiviti, Lau, and Kadavu.