Strategic Planning Vital for Agriculture Growth

February 3, 2021

Picture : PS Agriculture Ritesh Dass (sitting 3rd from right) with the staff of Economic Planning  Statistics division at MoA HQ in Raiwaqa

Achieving maximum output for agriculture growth requires a strategic approach.

This was the comment made by the Permanent Secretary for Agriculture Mr. Ritesh Dass during the Economic Planning and Statistics (EP&S) Division’s second Quarterly Meeting held at the Ministry’s Headquarters in Raiwaqa.

“It is abundantly clear that we are living in not so normal times and this will be with us for a while. Therefore, we need to reinvent the way we operate, look and do things and work on defining new ways of working,” he said.

“We all need to strive for growth. This is the single most important objective that we all have to have etched in our minds and hearts, and align what we do towards achieving this objective. This is how do we can make the agriculture sector grow to become the cornerstone for economic growth.”

“The key areas of opportunities, the trends, data information and analysis that the team has done will help shape the strategies, policies, and the framework for accelerated growth that we have to achieve."

He thanked the EP&S Division for the progress in the last financial year and encouraged staff to continuously improve themselves for the betterment of the sector and the economy, delivering with speed and precision execution.

“It is important to take stock of what we do and how well we do it, together with a focus on our untapped potential. IF we do not radically change the way we operate and lead the transformation agenda of "Grow Beyond", the sector will not be able to realise its full potential - this is not an option and we cannot operate the way we used to operate,” he said.

“We have done a lot of work in terms of national development in the sector in what we have achieved, but we do have a rough road ahead of us. What you do today determines what tomorrow looks like, so we have to accelerate our delivery for the betterment of our country and sustainable livelihoods of our people - we need to challenge ourselves and establish our game changing activities we want to pursue.”

“I am expecting a much higher level intensity, drive and commitment from the team that we all need to demonstrate in this organization.”

Acknowledging the different skill sets available within the Ministry, he encouraged the amalgamation of varying viewpoints from the diverse group of professional individuals to add value to the Ministry.

“You all have a different skillset which plays to our strength through diversity we have in our organisation. Harness your collective team strength and skills to achieve bigger goals and objectives, work as a team so that bigger and better results can be achieved.”

Staff were informed of the importance of ownership and accountability along the path of transforming agriculture for growth as planners.

The second quarter meeting highlighted important achievements of the Ministry from the previous quarter and the way forward for the EP&S Division.
