Agriculture Minister tours flood affected areas

January 20, 2022

Minister for Agriculture, Waterways and Environment Hon. Dr. Mahendra Reddy today visited parts of the Western Division which were recently affected by floodwaters.
He visited the settlements of Nabitu, Lokia, Kavanagasau and Nadrala on the Sigatoka River East Bank and Nasau settlement, Waqadra, Bila, Sabeto and Qeleloa settlement in Nadi.
Minister Reddy shared the details of the TC Cody Rehabilitation Package - Household Care programme with affected farmers and urged them to apply for the assistance as the need to rehabilitate affected farms was a priority for the Fijian Government.
"We want to reach out to all farmers who have been affected by the flood. We are only targeting full time farmers to receive the assistance. If you're not affected, please do not apply, be considerate of those who really need the $250.00 assistance," Dr. Reddy told farmers.
"The notion behind the assistance is to get farmers quickly back on their feet.
"How you use the money is up to you, you can hire tractors to plough your damaged fields, hire tractors to prepare your fields or buy planting materials and seeds or fertilizers, as long as you use it for its intended purpose that's perfectly fine," said Hon. Reddy.
"However, I urge you to apply online for this assistance if you were genuinely affected, if 30% or more of your farms were damaged and your only source of income is farming, you're eligible to apply. There are no requirements apart from the above, if 30% or more of your farm was damaged, or if 10% or more of your livestock was affected, you can apply," he added.
Minister Reddy also elaborated that the deadline for applications was the 26th of January next week, as there was an urgent need to roll out the program during the first week of February in order for affected farmers to receive this fast-cash roll out assistance as soon as possible.