Organic fertilizer for Naitasiri farmers to promote sustainable agriculture

September 14, 2023

The farmers of Naitasiri received 500 bags of Farmgro organic fertilizer valued at $9400 from Ram Sami and Sons (Fiji) Pte Ltd.

This initiative was part of the workshop organized by Ram Sami and Sons (Fiji) Pte Ltd in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways, iTaukei Affairs Board, and the Naitasiri Rugby Union with the theme "Building a food secure and resilient community in the Province of Naitasiri.

Ram Sami and Sons (Fiji) Pte Ltd has embarked on a new venture of ‘Sponsorship/Partnership’ with the Naitasiri Rugby Union and this workshop was part of the awareness to enable farmers in the province to adopt the use of Farmgro fertilizer which is certified organic, manufactured locally by Ram Sami company with the aim to support organic productions systems in Fiji.

The Group Operations Manager for Ram Sami and Sons (Fiji) Pte Ltd, Mr Anjay Sinha while addressing the 70 farmers at the Veitalacagi House in Vunidawa, Naiatsiri on Tuesday this week, said the 500 bags of organic fertilizer will be distributed amongst farmers in the 16 tikina’s.

He said this adoption of Farmgro will enable these farmers to view farming sustainably, creating an organic niche market and taking advantage of the high prices of organic farm products.

“Ram Sami Company has made a pledge that it will continue to support the people of Naitasiri in their farming endeavours, and also work in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways, iTaukei Affairs Board and other relevant stakeholders to make a difference in the lives of the people of the province of Naitasiri,” said Mr Sinha.

He said the inevitable phenomenon of climate change threatens food security and our people's food systems.

“It is everyone's business and responsibility to work together and empower our communities to adopt sustainable farming practices, especially the use of high-value organic inputs that are safe for human health and the environment.”     

The Consumer Council of Fiji and the Unit Trust of Fiji also attended the workshop to provide insight into financial literacy.
