May 27, 2024

Following a successful meeting with beef farmers in the highlands of Navosa two weeks ago, Minister for Agriculture and Waterways, Honourable Vatimi Rayalu announced that nine farmers will be supplied with new cattle breed to start their breeding program.

"These farmers will also receive fencing material and assistance on pasture development," said Hon. Rayalu.

"The Ministry is trying its best to totally revamp the beef industry in Fiji and in order to do that, we need new breeds to be introduced to these farmers. The introduction of these breeds will enable farmers to improve their cattle herd and also contribute positively to the beef industry with regards to quality meat," explained Hon. Rayalu.

"Ministry officers in the respective localities will be fully engaged with this programme and will see the farmers through the setting up of fencing and pasture management. I thank the farmers for forging on despite the challenges that they face. We will continue to train these farmers in terms of beef management and care."

The Navosa Livestock Cooperative is in operation with three cluster groups namely, the Navosa Livestock Cooperative Group with 38 members, Upper Yalavou Beef Scheme with 13 members and the Nausori Tubenasolo Livestock Cluster Group with around 30 members.

Currently, there are 196 registered beef farms in Navosa with 34 operating as commercial farms, 36 operating at semi- commercial level and a total of 126 subsistence farms.

There is a current stock of 10,291 cattle in Navosa with 19 sheep farmers and 45 goat farms.

For the last two years (2022 -2023) the Navosa Beef farmers have supplied 577 bulls and steers to the abattoir earning an income of $721,250.00.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways has been assisting the Navosa Livestock farmers over the years in terms of; stockyard material, nutrition improvement, fencing materials and breeding stock.

Hon. Rayalu assured the farmers that there are long term plans to carry out a whole makeover of cattle breeds in Fiji and also the formation of cattle associations across Fiji depending on the breeds that they have.

“It is a huge vision and I know that if we work together, we will be able to improve beef production in Fiji.”