Organic Bacterium Launched

June 10, 2020

Picture : Minister for Agriculture Hon. Mahendra Reddy with Senior Research staff of Ministry of Agriculture in the Launching  of the Bacterium Culture.

The introduction of organic agriculture into Fiji’s production system is the best option to ensure the sustainability of our natural resources. 

This was shared by the Minister for Agriculture, Waterways and Environment Hon. Dr. Mahendra Reddy during the launch of the Organic Bacterium fertilizer at the Ministry of Agriculture's Sigatoka Research Station today.

Organic agriculture as defined by Organics International is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects.

Minister Reddy said organic fertilizers were a kinder, gentler way to give plants the nutrients they need and its benefits include;

1. The release of nutrients at a more slower pace in the soil when needed by the plant, making them long lasting;

2. The nutrients are contained in complex molecules that won’t leach away with the first rain;

3. They are less likely to burn the young roots of seedlings, and;

4. They enhance soil health by nurturing (or at least not harming) the soil microbes that help make soil nutrients available to plants.

“Even large plantations of cash crops like cocoa and coconut, kava and vegetables are facing risks of environmental degradation of epic proportions,” said Hon. Reddy

A component of the organic bacterium fertilizer launched today is the use of Lactobacillus, a facultive anaerobic bacteria, which fortifies fertilizers and when put in the soil, immensely improves cultivation. 

“It also allows for slow release of nutrients found in the rhizosphere to be absorbed by the plants slowly over time. The roots become healthy and exudates composition dependent and disease suppressive soil allowing for progressive soil remediation,” said Minister Reddy.

“This fermented fertilizer improves the growth of plants when applied as foliar spray to seedlings and soil or compost drench. It also improves their efficacy in up-taking nutrients so naturally, growth is enhanced,” Hon. Reddy said.

However with the use of these microorganisms, the micro and macro nutrients spray or drench to feed the plants become more present and easily absorbable by the plants; this is a consequence of the increased efficiency of nutrients.

On the farm, Lactobacillus acts as the soil probiotic, making it a perfect medium for organic farming. It populates in the soil and staves out pathogens. 
