Latest survey finds prices of leafy vegetables and local fruits reasonable

August 7, 2020

Prices of fresh produce available in the market had little price movement last month.

A market survey conducted last month found prices of root crops had increased.

The Market Survey Report for July put together by the Ministry of Agriculture stated the movement in prices was triggered by the abundance of fresh produce in the market.

It added the national average market price for root crops was around $2.80/Kg with an average 14.65% increase all root crops.

In terms of leafy vegetables, Ba Market has the lowest prices in most of the vegetable produce compared to other municipal markets. Given most are in season, there was an abundance of vegetables in the market at reasonable prices.

However, prices for leafy vegetables varied, for instance Chinese cabbage averaged around $1.55 compared to $1.33 per bundle in June, which meant an increase of 0.25%, the average market price for English cabbage was $2.32/kg and Eggplants was $2.60/kg.

With respect to the fruit basket, the Market Survey for July found the prices of pineapples was the cheapest at $1.86/kg. 

Like the leafy vegetables, local fruits were plenty in supply like pawpaw, lime, and jackfruits. 

The decline in prices reflected an improvement in supply for the fruit basket